Saturday, January 28, 2012

Freshwater - A Singular Resource

Singular, according to the American Heritage Dictionary, means "Being only one; individual, Deviating strongly from the norm." Yes, water, and in particular, freshwater is unlike any other resource.

Water is MORE than just another Commodity
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Water is a commodity in the sense that it is a material that can be bought and sold. 
Being basic to all life is what makes water a commodity with a difference.
Not only was water the medium for incubating life, water is also continuously required for sustaining and maintaining life.
We cannot, therefore, just think of buying and selling water - we must also factor in how humans, all other living species and nature's ecosystems are impacted by us moving water around.

Water is Distributed WORLDWIDE
Freshwater Distribution
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Water is the most widely distributed substance on Earth. It is available everywhere. While the specific amount of water differs in different locations, there is no place on Earth with, literally, no water.
All other natural resources are also widely distributed, but each and everyone is not available everywhere even in the smallest of amounts. Some amount of freshwater is available everywhere on Earth.

Water has NO Substitute
There is no other substance, natural or synthetic, that can replace water. It is hoped that the world will migrate away from fossil fuels to renewable energy. No such transition is possible with water.

Water exists simultaneously in multiple forms: Vapor, liquid and solid
3 forms of water
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No other resource exists in more than one form in the same location. Huge amounts of water are also bound into soil and other materials in every location.
Every other resource exists in a single form, usually as a liquid, in the same location.

We cannot MAKE new water
Periodic Table of Elements
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We humans cannot make any element of the periodic table or the basic compounds that combinations of these elements form in nature.
Water formation Equation
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Making water is a particularly tough proposition because of the amount of energy released. We simply have no way of containing this energy release.

We cannot DESTROY water
When we burn oil, no more oil remains, as the oil disintegrates into different chemical compounds.
Water, on the other hand, does not ever disintegrate into its components. Water gets polluted, changes color, acquires an odor or simply evaporates into the atmosphere or disappears into the ground.

Water is in Constant MOTION
Water Cycle
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Unlike every other natural resource, water is in constant motion. It is constantly moving between its three forms - from liquid to vapor, from vapor to liquid, from solid to liquid and every other possible transformation. Water is always moving in rivers and churning in lakes and oceans.
NO other natural resource exhibits this perpetual motion behavior. 

Water's Singularity
Water's perpetual motion, it's simultaneous existence in multiple forms, it's availability everywhere and its role as the basis for all life make it singularly unique.

We seem to want to treat water in ways similar to how we think and act with other resources. This may be our greatest error in dealing with water, and especially, finding ways to alleviate water scarcity everywhere on Earth.

We should, instead be looking at harnessing the unique characteristics of water to end water scarcity everywhere on Earth. 

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