Saturday, June 29, 2013

Is Any Place FREE from Potential Safe Water Risk?

Water risks come in many forms and if "amount of safe water" is used as a measure, then too-much water (flood) is one extreme while too-little water (drought) is the other extreme. Other measures that define risk are quality, limitations imposed by nature or constraints imposed by a lack of water supply infrastructure.
Flood Risk
Water Risk - Flood Occurrence
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World Resources Institute's AQUEDUCT Project has mapped the occurrence of floods in the 1985-2011 period. Some interesting observations:
- The Eastern half of the US has experienced many floods; Much of Western Australia has had to cope with floods; Floods seem to cover all of South Asia and the Middle East excluding countries that have predominantly desert landscapes; Mid and Eastern Africa have needed to cope with floods; etc.
Areas free of foods include:
- Mid and south-western US; Much of Canada; Northern regions of Russia and the Scandinavian states; Southern tip of Africa; Midsection of Australia; etc.
Drought Risk
Water Risk - Drought Severity
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Another map from the AQUEDUCT Project displays drought locations during the 1985-2011 time period. Some conclusions: Australia's midsection and west experience drought; The US west coast and western states are drought prone; Northern and southern Africa have experienced drought frequently; Canada's midsection will see drought as will north and northeastern Russia; The Scandinavian areas free from floods have seeen many droughts; etc
Combining Risk of Flood and Drought
A most interesting and ominous conclusion surfaces when the two maps, flood history and drought history, are superimposed: there seem to be very very few areas where water, as drought or flood, does not pose a hazard to humanity and, also, nature:
- Much of Australia, the US, Africa, Europe, Russia, the Middle East. Canada, etc have been prone to risks from water, either as drought or as flood.

Safe water is a worldwide issue! Very very few of us will not face some form of water insecurity in the near future. We are all in the same boat where safe water is concerned!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Water is a Renewable Resource because Air Exists!

The Earth's atmosphere is key to the Earth's water cycle. Without the atmosphere, Nature's  engine of delivery of a constant supply of water safe for drinking and irrigation all over the world, could not exist or function as it does and has for a very very long time.
The Atmosphere
Water Exists in Atmosphere
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All the water in the atmosphere is concentrated in the atmosphere near to and touching the ground.
It is from this atmosphere that water precipitates in its many forms - rain, snow, hail etc - down to the ground, with assistance from a combination of forces that include gravity, temperature variations, variations in the content of particles and bacteria in the atmosphere, etc.
Without the atmosphere, water would not move around as smoothly as it does today. And, maybe, it's renewable ability would be at risk if the atmosphere disappears or reduces in volume.
How much atmosphere is there?
Total volume of atmosphere
and all Water (safe and unsafe)
Source - Science Photo Library
Actually, not that much more than water!
If we represent the total volumes of water (1.4 billion cubic kilometers) and air as spheres:
- The water sphere would be 1,390 kilometers in diameter. Of course the safe water part of this sphere is miniscule.
- The air sphere would be 1,999 kilometers across.
Half of the air lies in the first 5 kilometers above ground level which contains 90% of the miniscule safe water in the atmosphere.
Running out of safe water
The key question that arises on running out of safe water is: What is the probability that we might run out of air?

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Heracles' Way to Slay the Hydra of Freshwater!

Thinking of the Problem of Freshwater (i.e. the problem ranging from too little to overwhelming amounts of water safe for drinking and irrigation) as "a Hydra to be slain" - see blog post titled: The Problem of Safe Water - The Lernaean Hydra - can point us in the direction of a solution.
Heracles' Slaying of the Lernaean Hydra
Heracles' Slaying the Hydra
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After attempting to kill the Hydra with arrows and clubs, Heracles is said to have begun to chop off its heads.
Each chopping off, of course, produced two replacement heads to Heracles' dismay.
Upon reflection, Heracles is reputed to have focused on the single vulnerability of the Hydra: It was vulnerable only if it had one single remaining head. Removal of the last head would definitely kill it.
So how to stop heads from multiplying? Heracles did what we are so familiar with: He sought out individuals (Greek gods, of course, as this is a story from Greek mythology) who might have the knowledge to stop heads from growing back.
Heracles and Lolaus Slay the Hydra
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Seeking One with Special Knowledge
As the story goes, Heracles' sought out Lolaus, his nephew, who delivered the idea to cauterize each neck stump right after Heracles' chopped off each head.
Obviously, Lolaus had enough knowledge himself about using a firebrand to scorch each remaining neck stump or knew where to get it.
Constellation Hydra
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Eventually, with Heracles cutting off each head and Lolaus cauterizing the stump, the Hydra was soon down in heads to its last head. This too got cut off by a golden sword in Heracles' hands.
For those of us that miss the Lernaean Hydra, the serpent can be found in the night sky as the Constellation Hydra where Hera, placed the biologically dead Hydra.
The moral from Heracles' and the Lernaean Hydra
Seek out someone with the special or specific knowledge that can help get the task done. Even when the task involves renewable heads?
This is the lesson that humanity could stand behind for over 200 years and one that  H.G.Wells so famously enumerated in his book titled "Outline of History"  and a lesson that helped humanity overcome the problem of freshwater time and time again through the ages.