Saturday, February 2, 2013

Lightening Requires Liquid Water!

Without water in the atmosphere, there would be no lightening
Positive and Negative Electrical Charges
A Positive Charge
(A lack of Electrons)
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A Negative Charge
(An excess of Electrons)
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Excess or shortage in electrons determine the charge of an object.
An excess of electrons makes an object a negatively charged object.
A shortage of electrons makes an object a positively charged object.
Location of charged Water in air
Water droplets (liquid) with positive charges stay higher up in the atmosphere. Water droplets with negative charge stays lower in the atmosphere.
Separation of Charges Causes Charge Movement
Lightning is a transfer of electrostatic charges between oppositely charged regions of the sky in an attempt to equalize charges in these regions or the transfer of electrostatic charges between a cloud and the surface of the Earth.
Lightening locations
Lightning frequency map
Source -
Lightening does not occur everywhere on Earth.
Most lightning occurs over land and in areas where convention currents in the air are the greatest as these currents promote separation of areas that contain oppositely charged droplets of liquid water.
The caution to stay away from water when there is atmospheric movement in charges, thus, makes excellent sense!

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