Saturday, February 11, 2012

Can Biology Show Us How To Make New Water?

We accomplish what we convince ourselves to believe can be accomplished by us. Could we apply this maxim to increase water supplies through the development of a way to make NEW water?

Freshwater supply
The Earth from Space
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Everybody in the water supply business "knows" three facts as forever being true:
1. The total amount of water on Earth is constant. 
2. Only a tiny amount of the total water is freshwater
3. Water is never destroyed like other natural resources are, e.g. oil is lost for ever when we use it. All our oil consumption process leaves us with are by-products that we cannot reassemble into oil.
The net result of this knowledge is that we don't try to make new water and we ridicule those who might propose manufacture of new water.
A Shift in Thinking!
What if the first two facts were seen and accepted as not being completely true? What if someone convinced us that they are not true? What if someone promised to pay us if we showed that they are not true? What if some of us convinced ourselves that we can indeed make water?
What if we simply concluded that the reason why we think that water cannot be manufactured is that no human seems to have figured out how to do it? or has been motivated enough to try to find a way to do it?
Man on the Moon
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Then our challenge is clear: We need to tell ourselves that we can make water and set ouralves on the journey to figure out a way!
Map of a Genome
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Isn't this the same kind of shift in thinking that made it possible for man to walk on the moon? or map the genome of so many species? or accomplish the many other things that define our life today, like the Internet, mobile phones, the Global Positioning System (GPS) and all the other inventions we cannot seem to want to do without.

Metabolic Water
Metabolic water is our name for water that is made inside every living organism from the chemical reactions the organism uses to utilize food it eats.
The average human body produces between 350-400 ml per day of water. This water differs from the freshwater in streams and lakes only in the content of its dissolved substances - the most important of which are dissolved ions. The process of metabolism - oxidation of glucose derived from food - produces this NEW 350-400 ml of water in a day.
Nobody seems to know why the body does not or cannot produce New Water in larger amounts. What the scientific literature does reveal is that the human body is capable, under certain conditions, to produce more metabolic water e.g. when stressed as a result of a rigorous exercise regime
What if we said "we can!"
Do we really and truly know and understand "how" the human body and other living organism's make water from food they eat? If the answer is "yes, we know how" and if we passionately believe that we must find a way to synthetically replicate this process, then we will make the way real!
Biology as Technology
We know of a way! We know of a biological process that makes new freshwater!!!!! ... in quantity.
Biology is the technology that can provide us the way to accomplish what we cannot accomplish through physics or chemistry (see post dated November 2010)

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