Saturday, October 22, 2011

We ALL Live in a Hygroscopic (Water) World

We are aware that fishes live in a world of water. We believe that everything else, including us, exists in a world of air. Recent advances in science, however, are revealing that a layer of water covers everything that exists outside bodies of water i.e. everything on land.

Water, Water, Everywhere, Nor any Drop to Drink
Ship Sinking in a Whirlpool
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This, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, relates the life-changing experience of a person who is the sole survivor of an ocean voyage and returns to tell of the dangers and challenges faced on the voyage. And, of course, the point he makes is that even with all that water around him, there was really no water (of the kind he could drink) to quench his thirst.
How the Gecko Walks On a Ceiling
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As the post dated 3/5/11 explains, there is a layer of water on the underside of ceilings, that enables each foot of the gecko to strongly adhere through the unique properties of water molecules, to the surface of a ceiling, with more than enough strength for the Gecko to walk upside down on the ceiling, while defying gravity.

Is Anything Ever 100% Dry?
Laser penetrating water-film
Source-Nano Letters20033 (1), pp 19–20
Recent scientific research shows that water films are omnipresent in nature.
These films control interactions at bio-chip surfaces, coatings that prevent and facilitate surface-to-surface interaction and how electrical charges are transmitted from thunderclouds. 
Whether knowingly, or by chance, we need to find ways to control, direct and modulate the impact of these water films in everything artificial.

Hydropholic and Hydrophobic Surfaces
There are some surfaces, called Hydrophobic surfaces) that are resistant to the existence of water films.
At low humidity levels, less than 15%, the water film is difficult to detect, but is there. At higher humidity levels, the water film is clearly visible using scanning probe microscopes.

Strange as it may sound, everything on land also exists in a watery world.

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